Breathing, a world to discover
Breathing is the easiest way to get energy
Some movements in our body happen autonomously. We perform them on autopilot, without thinking about how or what steps it takes to get there. Among these, one of the most underestimated is certainly breathing.
The only time we become aware of this gesture, which we have made into a routine and on which we have lost attention, is when we feel we are out of breath, we lack oxygen, and, in extreme cases, we fear we will suffocate. And it is paradoxical, if we think about it for a second, it is paradoxical because we take what makes us alive for granted.
To improve the level of awareness of our body, it is important, if not essential, to pay attention to the sensation of the air coming in, and the expansion we generate when we inhale.
Breathing is closely linked to the emotions we go through. When we experience an intense moment, such as stress or anxiety, we tend to breathe shallowly, restricting air and oxygen, reducing the energy available and nourishing our whole body less through muscles and organs. This attitude harms us deeply because it only increases tension and discomfort, decreases our vitality and thus our ability to react in the situation, creates symptoms and pain, and makes us less lucid.
With bodywork, whether individual or group sessions, you can learn to feel your breath better, strengthen and make your chest and upper body more flexible, heal symptoms, and reduce tensions closely linked to restricted breathing. Learning to pay attention to your breath is a concrete and affordable way for everyone to improve their psycho-physical well-being.
If you would like to learn more, please contact me. I will happily teach you how to practice mindful breathing and observe the benefits it can bring to your body and mind.