Paola Dalmasso - Body work & metodo Grinberg®
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You never forget your first session

What happens when undertaking a bodywork session?

What happens during the first bodywork session?

I asked a client who came to the studio to resolve a nagging gastrointestinal burn. We read her words to get a taste of the (unique and unrepeatable for each person) sensations she experienced during her first session.

We start by talking. With just a few questions we get to understand the origin of the pain. The environment is cozy, and Paola's warm voice makes you feel immediately at ease.

You lie down on the couch, uncovering the affected area. Then the bodywork begins. You feel the gentle pressure of fingertips on the skin and slowly let go of the defenses you had raised.

Paola guides you and helps you understand what you need to do to feel better about what is inside. You feel the pressure of her hands and a warmth that radiates through your body. A warmth that runs through your limbs, tickles your feet, tingles your temples.

The voice slowly begins to fade, becoming a soft background sound. In the meantime, a new feeling grows inside you: a form of energy that frees you from the contractures of the body and helps you to let go of everything that keeps you imprisoned.

A few more minutes in silence and then you open your eyes again. The room is the same, but something has changed. There is a new energy that pervades you. And it feels wonderful!

If you still have any doubts, let's talk about it together.

Contact me and let's work out together what path we can follow.

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