Paola Dalmasso - Body work & metodo Grinberg®
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Feb 28, 2024 7pm - 9pm

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Improves the sensations of your lower body: lower back, lower belly and hips.
Bye bye back pain, tiredness, instability, sciatica, heel pain & co
Let go of the constant worry and anxiety that you may have even for no apparent reason, as if they were a constant in your life.

Grounding yourself means feeling rooted in order to have a strong base and be able to rise upwards.
Being confident on your own two feet, feeling emotionally stable to be able to cushion life's blows.

Knowing how to manage and improve the symptoms that occur when you don't feel strong and confident.

A two-hour workshop to regain stability, power and well-being through bodwork on the lower part of the body.
I propose exercises that you can also do independently, bodywork, movement, breathing, exercises focused particularly on the lower part of the body. We will work to release the traumas accumulated in this area, where our center of gravity resides, essential for feeling stable.

Wednesday 28 February from 7pm to 9pm
Via Curtatone 5 - Turin
Contribution 40 euros
Maximum 12 participants to be followed as best as possible

Sign up, looking forward to meeting you

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