Paola Dalmasso - Body work & Grinberg method®
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For some time I have been following piano lessons which I started playing with at the age of four.
A long relationship of joy, frustration, passion, detachment, concerts, being fed up, love .. In short, what happens in every relationship that lasts over time.

The sessions between the piano, Gianluca my teacher and me are always very interactive: on the keyboard I think, I am moved, I make mistakes and laugh.

During the last lesson Gianluca asked me a question about a passage of the score, to which I answered with a couple of attempts, but no ..
He told me "You are on the wrong focus".
In my head the bells rang, DIN DON DAN, then I could understand what he was asking me, so I answered,  which allowed me to really play those notes, to put myself in the instrument, in the music.

I am left with this phrase "Wrong focus", I think about how many times in life we ​​mistake focus, how much the teacher's job is to help someone find direction, to look at the important focus.
This is what I do, with a concrete approach that passes, departs and arrives in the body.

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