Paola Dalmasso - Body work & Grinberg method®
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Each activity is an experience to rediscover deep well-being and greater health: it is built to get you into an experience where you can let go of pain or emotion that has become your (too) faithful companion let go of the limit you feel close to, to regain your freedom.

You learn through awareness exercises, conversations, training of movement, breathing, guided confrontation with yourself and with others, and training in obtaining silence.

You can experience, in a safe place, what you usually do not allow yourself when you are with other people, such as being happy, having direct and respectful communication, moving around feeling at ease in your body, and not finding yourself under the influence of the bad moods of others.

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6 meetings - from the 24th of Feb 7,30pm-9pm

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sMove! Stopping movement® is a holistic workout that involves mind and body. To work on tensions,...

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Stop the noise in your head: silence

Feb 3, 2025 7pm - 9pm

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You know your internal monologue well, which plays all your thoughts back to you continuously, twenty-four...

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Power to the hands

Oct 28, 2024 h 7-9pm

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Have you ever noticed how often you use your hands? Never as much as today, as in this period, observing...

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Professional studies

Collaborando con la scuola Bodylearningschool insegnerò il prossimo primo anno in partenza della...

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Feb 28, 2024 7pm - 9pm

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GroundingImproves the sensations of your lower body: lower back, lower belly and hips.Bye bye back pain,...

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Light shoulders

June 28, 2023 7.30pm - 9.30pm

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Light Shoulders sounds like the title of a fictional movie and instead you can feel your shoulders lighter. Hours...

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June 7, 2023 7.30pm - 9.30pm

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Yes, that’s right, “upright!”Instead of “stand up straight”, something...

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May 17, 2023 7.30pm - 9.30pm

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Balance in biology is the ability to sense and adjust the movement of the body with respect to gravity...

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Back to your roots

In six 1:1 sessions find again your basis

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In six individual sessions you find your stability again. With face-to-face or online meetings, we work...

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Body Vibe

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È online il nuovo corso Body Vibe condotto da Paola Dalmasso (Body Work ed altro...

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Saturday 13/11/2021 h. 10am - 2,30pm

There are several important things in life, including learning to say no. Say no when we want to refuse...

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Saturday 16/10/2021 h. 10am - 2,30pm

The art of life is being able to live as we wish without feeling pressured. I remember the feeling of...

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Strength, Recharge and Confidence. More than a Course, an Experience

Yourself, as today we think more about how much battery is left in our cell phone, than in recharging...

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Transform pain, gain vitality and peace

Il dolore è una forma di percezione, una delle qualità che abbiamo, delle possibilità...

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