Paola Dalmasso - Body work & Grinberg method®
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Saturday 16/10/2021 h. 10am - 2,30pm

The art of life is being able to live as we wish without feeling pressured.

I remember the feeling of wanting to do many things and being unsatisfied with not having enough time for everything.
Or the feeling of having to choose, while the desire would have been to double myself so as not to lose anything.
I had a lot of energy but I was agitated. And there was some frustration.

How can you relax without losing energy?
How to recharge your batteries without losing the rhythm of life?
How do you find a way to build endurance, strength while remaining soft and flexible?

I tried many different approaches, I was a young girl - I'm talking about more than twenty years ago - and I indulged in experimenting until I finally found something that allowed me not only to let my agitated energy settle, but to discover my own. uniqueness, the magic of perceptions, the power of the body's work.
And it was amazing how absolutely normal and exceptional everything was, how through the body I could find the key I was looking for to open the door to my way.

Almost 25 years have passed and I have developed all this by being in continuous training, I have followed people in their well-being in individual sessions, in workshops and group courses, I have continued to enrich my personal experience to be at the same time nourished, I have created projects and worked a lot also abroad.

Do you want to take a step towards this possibility?
It always starts with a first movement.

Saturday 16 October 2021 from 10am to 2.30pm
Turin, Via Valprato 68 - Docks Dora - @Arca Studios
The activity will be held in Italian
Cost 60 euro

In this workshop there will be breathing exercises, movement, attention to the body, Stopping movement® and exercises to have silence, a holistic training that involves mind and body.

A meeting that I thought to recover your energy and to return to move in the body, in life: you learn to let go of tension, to move in a different way and to recover flexibility and energy.We will stimulate qualities such as lightness-balance, determination-strength and awareness movement and breathing.

Anyone can participate, no previous training is required.

The number of participants is limited, to comply with the regulations on the distance between people and so that they can follow you carefully even if in a group.

You learn to recognize and use your potential, you use movement and breathing in a conscious way to get out of the moods that put you down.

I teach you to train not to burn energy but to recover energy! You learn to let go of the extra efforts that keep the body rigid in movement, to access deep relaxation.

I am waiting for you!

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