The body is not a machine but a galaxy to be explored
Let go of control and experience the body as a source of energy and not as a mechanism you think you can explain
We live in a reality that tends to simplify the body as if it were a machine, because believing that we understand everything is reassuring, it shelters us from the unexpected, it does not make us feel vulnerable, it creates a kind of certainty in which we always know that we will have the solution. We approach it trying to analyse and control it, like a technician would do in front of a computer. But it doesn't work like that.
We are our body and we are a living system, full of physical sensations and emotions. We often try to explain these mechanisms because we want to control what happens. But it is precisely when we let go of control that the magic happens!
When we allow ourselves to simply be a body, without trying to dominate it, we open ourselves up to a universe of possibilities. Suddenly, the body becomes a guide, a medium through which we can explore deep emotions, and free ourselves from those symptoms or pains that are expressions of tension, unnecessary efforts with which we try to control ourselves and our surroundings.
With a bodywork course, people learn to establish an authentic relationship with their body, stopping the automatic mechanism of trying to explain everything.
During the sessions I lead, I help people who come to me to let go of mental and physical tension, and experience what it means to be present. In this space of freedom, we can discover new resources and potential, feel more authentic energy, heal from real symptoms, and connect with our true inner power.
Contact me to learn more. I will happily teach you how to be a body, letting go of the need for extra control, to discover an energy beyond rational understanding: the power of feeling.